Every time we meet someone and the question “Where do you work?” comes up, our usual answer is: “At Amalgama, a digital consulting firm”, which is followed by a 5 second silence, where the other person surely is asking themselves what am I talking about. To break that silence, we tend to add “We develop apps and websites”, although internally we know that that explanation is far from the real and complete definition of what we do. But we know it’s the best way of giving context to the other person.

This is why we want to share what it means to be a digital consulting firm for us at Amalgama.
“We are a digital consulting firm. With the least possible investment, we try to validate if the need you´ve identified really exists out there with the minimum .”
To begin with, we do not develop websites or apps; we develop digital products that people love to use. Digital products, again, too technical. Let’s say we develop friendly platforms for users.
“I work at a technology based consulting firm that develops software.”
Being a digital consultant firm means listening to people’s ideas, and analyzing which is the best way to take it to a digital level. It means challenging the client at every moment in order to find the best solution to the need or problem identified.
“I work in the area of Systems, at a Software company”
This answer is not discovered by a group of developers only. Even though they seem to be people talking in another language, they do not have all the answers. Over time, we realized the importance of the team; having people focused on UX (user experience), people focused on the business (product owners), and scrum masters setting the pace.
“We are a digital consulting firm. We offer solutions to problems…. We build software, apps, and that stuff.”
So, what does software consultancy means? It’s a set of processes that help you validate your product and develop it with the highest possible quality. There’s no unique way of doing this. Therefore, different software consulting firms may achieve it in different ways, but the goal is always the same: developing digital products that people love to use. This is why its definition is so complex, and so different from a Software Factory. One of the main differences, is that we focus on satisfying a need of a precise and real user, putting aside our clients requirements. We focus on resolving an existing problem.
“So that you can get it fast and easily: we do apps and webs. That´s it.”
We’ll keep you posted on these different processes we carry forward at Amalgama to become, every day, a better software consulting firm and continue developing outstanding products.
If you have an idea or are working on a project you could use some help with, feel free to contact us! We’d be happy to help you… or who knows? Maybe be your new partner in crime.
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